Constructed Individuality (With Christopher Rupley)

Under the weight of a thousand withering suns blistering before they break, desperately vying to become the crepuscular black holes we foresaw, bringing us shallow matter filled with elements, and filthy mortal quarks we built them upon, Immortality draped herself in whore’s regard, playing games of republic draws against democratic lows, giving us gimmicks dressed... Continue Reading →


For years, like so many young people in the U.K. I “didn’t do politics”. For years, like so many others, I remained silent as those we entrust to protect and guide us, those who claim to “have our best interests at heart”, methodically strip our country back to a new dark age. What becomes more... Continue Reading →

Plutocracy Borne Blackbird

I close my eyes to you– Distance in the mirror Couldn't get any clearer– Solely– arresting repose– Break a mind– we depend On seclusions acclaim To manufacture our place– Pipe dreams and revolution Couldn't hold a heart In winters ancient concern– Arouse– parallel– All nature washed away By human avarice– Withdrawal became a company To... Continue Reading →

Untitled 5th Oct 2014

We collided when we first met from reverence for those whom dreamt us into existence. Calling each other out with miscarried titles and self-doubting wit, like lions parading for dominance. Little did we know the caustic singular narrative they would take from our affirmations and anxieties. Did you see the blueprints laid bare? Carried out in... Continue Reading →

Step-by-Step (Thoughts on 30/09/2014)

Inky hands draw a picture of dusk, Corporeal definitions of mortality That cascade down the sidewalks Of times forgotten developments, In the distance fleeting perception Poisons convicts and conviction, The drunk takes another swig of spite, Who cares the warming pleasure Is as fickle as politicians promises? At least with drunks you know all they... Continue Reading →

Thoughts on 28/09/2014

What utopian faith Fragments tradition? 'Loss and new' arc With state of mind, Defunct cults of progress Play the blame game When we bow to lesser men, Periods of transition Come to dying ends, Enlightenment, romanticism, Victorianism, modernism, Pre, present, post, What are we left with now? Cataclysm of decayed Theories, outstretched Over fragile form... Continue Reading →

Thoughts (on the 29th Aug 2014)

Isolation, I find myself between The nightmare abyss And the hues of truth, What peace comes within The lost perpetual walk, Holding back The spectres of all things That bring swift sorrow, Binding the bridges To the Nevermore divide, Little can be seen In such pitch falls When all I am is against Their twisted... Continue Reading →

And They Obeyed

"Society, you're a crazy breed I hope you're not lonely without me" - Eddie Vedder They say I'm crazy when I won't believe Their unconcealed lies, like the millions Out there who can't see past the square They stare unquenchably at each day, blindly Watching the world fall apart around Their deafened ears, waiting for... Continue Reading →

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