Dahmer (and an update)

Hello beautiful people How are you all today? I took a few days off after sharing the free chapbook with you (see my last post to find it), but I am back and here is a brand new poem for you all. It may have gotten slightly dark again, but it is October!. Please comment... Continue Reading →

Ingénue Paramour

I watched her from afar, the intricate melody that bore soul and rhythm into listless hours remixed by shortened susurrus reminders of dramas to be the centre of deep affections. She flickered in light, ephemeral to the touch, yet more radiant than a thousand suns lingering in clear nights and black penumbras promises, I fell... Continue Reading →

Winds in Love

Good afternoon to you beautiful people! So, below is my first ever attempt at a Blitz poem. While I'm not usually one for rules, I thought why not try something new. Here's a link for anyone interested in finding out more: LINK. Let me know what you think, it may be a little dark... Peace,... Continue Reading →

Curio Dementia

- For Talitha -   “I see black light (his last words)” - Victor Hugo                                   Coarse, they press you against hoarfrost fiction and drip-dry you to original melancholic nostalgia. Between troubles, you stray, in haggard pray.                                 They repent lividity to you – through phantasms, deliria, and laconic reality. Shy and... Continue Reading →

Yasmin (A Tanka)

Crimson falls among   Jasmines, insensate daughter   of human disgrace, face of odium, who's heart   now lay in garnets embrace.   ********************** For 14 year old Yasmin Rashad al-Zarou, a victim of Murder.

Con Men

They tell their story and steal all the glory, where whiplash longing crisscross with catastrophe to form those fallacious tendencies o'er again. The clenched switchblade sits in their hands, lumbering strands of brittle hair clumped against their bulging foreheads with eyes wide shut to all the importance of truth. And who could stand the stench... Continue Reading →


Purple ran with peacock flourishes To the ground with ancient nourishment, Majestic radiance shared solemn eyes When casting fruition to guarded hearts, I held her all night long, as though each second Would shatter the clock face if circular life Would turn to any other shape, provocative, Transposed and transported interpretations, I could never let... Continue Reading →


The rage burns red, Furious, monstrous, Destroying the beauty That, unwilling, runs And rushes before it. The devil slaughters All innocent life In the name of sporty, The sword stabs, ruby jabs, Cutting deep, harsh, jagged. Crimson flows, stains The arena with the animals Dreams, loves, fears, furry, The watching daemons cheer, What devils are... Continue Reading →

Stories From A Serial Killer (A Monologue)

Do you have pets? I keep pigs myself. Beautiful animals you know. Ou’ back there I currently ‘ave ten stunning Yorkshires in pens wai’ing to be slaugh’ered. Getting too big you see, need room for the younger generation as they say. Beautiful animals, well when they’re in a good mood that is. There’s a lot... Continue Reading →

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